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Our Work
September 5, 2023
"सुशासन र बिकासका लागि अर्थपुर्ण महिला सहभागिता" काठमाडौं महानगरपालिकाका काे सहयोग अर्पण गरिबी निवारणद्वारा आयाेजित संघिय नमुना छात्रा संसद कार्यक्रमकाे…
August 6, 2021
APA Nepal organized street drama against traditional harmful practices. The drama  was  presented against Chhaupadi, women violence, Child marriage. This…
August 6, 2021
APA Nepal organized a capacity building training to the girls and women community group on management of chhau goth. "In…
August 6, 2021
APA Nepal organized capacity building training to women and girls of Dailekh, Kanali on gender based violence and  discrimination. This…
August 6, 2021
APA Nepal organized five days capacity building Programs for the Preservation and Promotion of Language, Literature and Culture of Endangered…
June 13, 2020
Majority of the women are vulnerable population during corona virus in Nepal. We girls have been taking action to deal…
June 13, 2020
A group of young girls have taken an initiatives to support to the women who are under difficulties through the…
June 12, 2020
काठमाडौ महानगरपालिकाकाे बानेश्वर १०स्थित देबिनगरमा रहेका सुकुम्बासी बस्तीमा १४ देखी ४९वर्ष उमेर समुहका ६०घरधुरीमा महिलाको मानसिक र शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य लाई…
Chairperson message

I would like to express my gratitude to all the working committee and supporters who have contributed their knowledge, time and resources to make this journey successful. Under the Arpan Poverty Alleviation (APA) stable and visionary leadership, we have been able to achieve our decade long contribution to promote our mission and objectives.

Finally, I would like to thank all the members, volunteers, local partners, Networks, well-wishers, donors, government agencies, youth and student political organizations, advisors, general members and staffs.

I look forward to identifying inventive avenues together with all the valuable well-wishers and friends to contribute cumulatively to achieve nation building goals

Arpana Khadka
Patner we work with